Comprehensive Chemical Screen
Screen your chemicals to easily comply with regulations
The first and most critical step in finding what regulations affect you, relating to regulated chemicals, is to screen for them. You need to find out which ones you have and compile them in a way to show you how your quantities match up against the thresholds set for those chemicals. Then you need to continually monitor the changes in your chemical inventory along with the changes in the regulated chemical themselves.
More than 90 percent of all Environmental, Safety and now Homeland Security requirements are concerned with the chemicals that you use, store, process and ship within your facility. Most EPA, OSHA and DHS regulations require you to report, permit and/or train on; the storage, usage, handling, releases, processes, spills and exposures related to your chemical inventory. Thousands of chemicals are listed in the EPA, OSHA and DHS regulatory lists alone. These lists are changing all the time as well as your chemical inventory making it a continual challenge to keep up.
Failure to comply with some of these requirements can result in fines from $10,000 - $75,000/day/occurrence.
The first and most critical step in finding what regulations affect you, relating to regulated chemicals, is to screen for them. You need to find out which ones you have and compile them in a way to show you how your quantities match up against the thresholds set for those chemicals. Then you need to continually monitor the changes in your chemical inventory along with the changes in the regulated chemical themselves.
ESSG has developed a way to effectively track your chemical inventory that can not only allow you to have "Peace of Mind" when thinking about your chemical compliance but also improve your bottom line.
This service is designed to virtually eliminate the amount of time you would spend studying the numerous regulation as well as searching, cross-referencing and indexing your chemical inventory against the many Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) lists.
This simple and painless service provides you with vital, "site-specific", information on how your facility(s) stand up against these regulatory lists and regulations. After this service is complete, it will be clear what areas of these regulations your facility(s) need to be concerned with or (better yet) have the defensible documentation to show that they don't affect you.
This service is:
Fast - The entire process can be completed in as little as 5 business days.
Simple - Initially you simply provide to us copies of your (M)SDS that represents your current chemical product inventory.
Professional - Our staff of trained professionals enter key information from your (M)SDS into our system.
Systematic - We send you a form requesting product inventory information on each chemical product to show quantities, container types, areas stored and area used along with some additional general site information required for reporting.
Logical - After the information is received and entered into your file, ESSG's proprietary CIA software matches your inventory against the thousands of regulated and/or flagged EPA, OSHA and DHS Chemicals.
The reports show you the results of the screening of your chemical product inventory to identify/flag the product ingredients present at your facility and flag your true regulatory requirements. These findings sections and/or compliance instructions are delivered to you in your choice of hard copy or PDF format. These reports provide you with supportable documentation as well as a management tool to assess your hazards. This includes the following 26 reports complete with detailed information showing your:
Total Chemical Inventory - View a summary of each product's ingredients, percentages, amounts on hand (max daily and yearly), and more.
EHS - Aggregated list of the products containing Extremely Hazardous Substances along with your max amounts to easily determine if a Tier 2 is required.
10,000 lb. - Chemicals that aggregately and individually contain ingredients that exceed 10,000 lbs. based on your max daily amount to identify additional Tier 2 requirements.
TRI - Aggregated list of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) chemicals present at your facility along with your annual quantities to match against the regulated thresholds to identify potential TRI reporting.
Emergency Release Priority Products - See what chemicals present with a current potential for reportable spill.
CERCLA - Aggregated list of the products containing Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) chemicals along with your max amounts to easily be proactive in avoiding a reportable spill.
Identify the products containing the following regulated chemicals and their quantities, area(s) stored/used at your facility:
Ozone Depleting
Clean Air Act
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Identify the following hazards based on (M)SDS and track the area(s) stored and used within your facility:
Flammable Hazards
Pressure Hazards
Reactive Hazards
Acute Health Hazards
Chronic Health Hazards
Process Safety Management
Methylene Chloride
The OSHA Hazard Communication standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) requires that all employers maintain a list of hazardous substances and make this information available to all employees 29 CFR 1910.1200. The CIA Safety Screen allows you to evaluate the chemical hazards at your site and comply with this OSHA standard.
Determine your need to file a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Anti Terrorist Top Screen for the following chemicals present at your facility:
Theft - CW/CWP (CUM 100 grams)
Theft - CW/CWP (Minimum DHS Concentration)
Theft - WME (CUM 100 grams)
Theft - WME (Minimum DHS Concentration)
Theft/Diversion: EXP/IEDP