Audiometric Testing
Mobile employee hearing tests
Onsite Hearing Testing - Each employee exposed at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, OSHA requires all employees to have an annual audiogram, after obtaining the baseline audiogram. Our onsite testing is convenient and cost-effective. We offer hearing conservation training classes as well.
This turn-key onsite audiometric (hearing) testing is convenient and cost effective. It will not only help you reduce your liability and production downtime by sending employees offsite for testing. This service will manage your data and provide everything you need to stay in compliance with this section of OSHA's Hearing Conservation Standard.
Tests are conducted at your site in a state-of-the-art custom mobile unit equipped with today's latest technology to conduct audiometric testing. Each mobile unit is designed to meet the sound requirements needed to conduct mobile hearing tests. The mobile units have a 4 or 6 sound booths allowing an average of:
16 hearing tests per hour (4 every 15 minutes) in a 4 booth unit.
24 hearing tests per hour (6 every 15 minutes) in a 6 booth unit.
Each sound booth is equipped with the latest audiometers and software that enables us to test multiple people at the same time and give the testing instructions to your employees in any language.
After your testing date is scheduled, a Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) certified technician will set up a hearing and respiratory testing mobile unit at your facility or job site. The technician will:
provide sign in sheets for your employees complete with a questionnaire to find out if they have been exposed to extreme noise outside of work and/or if they have any pre-existing hearing issues.
compare the current test results to the baseline and determine if a Standard Threshold Shift (STS) has occurred.
reinstruct and retest (see below) anyone with a STS (If the STS is confirmed the technician will verbally inform the employee that an STS has occurred).
give an explanation of the test results to your employee.
provide to you, a list of all persons tested along with any with a STS at the end of each job.
Audiologist Review:
Any problem audiograms will be evaluated by an Occupational Health Audiologist and letter containing the findings and recommendations is provided back to you for distribution to the affected employee.